Breakfasted after crankiness in hotel room during preparation to go out of room.
Breakfast edible. But not tasty and rather a disappointment.
Working to load two cars and Penske again; M2 crying every time Ian walks out of door with another armload of bags. Finally he calms down. I start loading car as well.
Ian loading the in-tow car and locks his keys in the car. I walk back to room to get my keys and have both boys (and keys) but get locked out of hotel room. (May have something to do with poorly mounted door handle.)
Walk boys to Ian then go get new key cards. Load last of stuff into car, drive to Ian and boys (at adjacent lot; we were promised truck parking but were misled). Ian loads boys. I go check out.
Driving, finally!! But only to truck drop. Find out hassle of two vehicles and one credit card. Finally get on road after 20 minutes at gas station.
Drive to Paducah with only 2-3 stops on side of road to pick up messes, hand out busy bags, and enforce obedience. Meet Ian at a Chick-fil-A in Paducah. Boys playing well in play land. Eating moderately well.
Ian attaches portable DVD for boys. M2 repeatedly removes earphones as we drive.
Make it to St. Louis with 3 or 4 stops. Not as smooth a drive as morning leg, in which boys napped for a good 45 minutes.
Met up with Liesl and her two sons 7 and 4 to play in hotel pool. Good conversation but getting everyone to pool was rough.
Kids bedtime was rough.
After they were bedded, we had a heap of wet swimmers to manage. Took them to hotel laundry room. Went to car again to clean up. It was a steaming hot mess.
Still awake, waiting for laundry.
So. Tired. Too. Tired. To. Do. Much. Besides. Get. One. Last. Thing. Done.
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