Friday, June 19, 2015


I lived in Colorado Springs until I was 18, then I went away to college. Covenant College was on top of a mountain, overlooking Chattanooga. Then I graduated, moved (Colorado, Hawaii, Pennsylvania) and THEN I got married and moved back to Chattanooga.

I've lived here almost half my life. I've certainly lived here my entire adult life.

I've acclimated to the heat and humidity. There are many more bugs here, but I've either learned to live with them or learned how to defeat them. The winters are short, the springs are astonishing, the summers are hot but there's air conditioning, the falls are crisp and beautiful and long. 

Come to think of it, it's not just acclimation. I really love it here. 

It's a really pretty city. There's so much beauty here. The river, the waterfront, the mountains, city parks, downtown, southside, main street.

Also, I learned to be a wife here, made two babies here, birthed the babies, learned how to be a mommy here. Learned roads and shortcuts and back roads. Dealt with depression and joblessness and grew a lot here. Bought a house. 

I'm moving to Colorado Springs in 4 days. Moving out of my home day after tomorrow. 

And so this is a blog about leaving my adopted city and moving back to my city of origin.

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